Sep 19, 2022Liked by K.M. Halpern

I very much enjoy Karkov and his interactions with various "meatstacks". He's got a good sense of humor. I assume I know who his "ex" is, and can't wait for the reunion.

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Sep 16, 2022·edited Sep 16, 2022Author

These are very good questions, Ennio! Please bear in mind that you're still less than 20% of the way through book 1 of the series :) While we'll continue to see no shortage of Rin's POV, there will be other characters and POVs. As Rin briefly mentioned at one point, Proteges generally try to keep a low profile for various good reasons. Down the road (mostly in books 2+) we'll see a lot more of what happens when they don't. Without giving anything away, I'll simply observe that book 1 is by far the most introspective & philosophical of the series, and this is by design (it lays the groundwork for what is to come). There will be plenty of action in book 1, but books 2+ dial it up significantly. This said, the serialized format poses some unique challenges. In a novel, it is possible to read as far and fast as you want, so if it has a slow start it's possible to read through it and get to the exciting bits (or, in my case, stay up all night reading because I hate being in suspense :) With episodes, there is no such option. Since this was written as a novel and then serialized, it may exhibit more of this issue than if it was written specifically for serialization. On the other hand, to my mind many of the most interesting aspects of the story revolve around the nature of immortality and its implications, and I think a lot of that would be lost if things evolved too quickly (at least at this early stage). But I definitely am learning a lot in the process. I expect that the episodic nature will be less of an issue for books 2+ (which also already have been written) because their material naturally lends itself to that form. In fact, I suspect this will be true of Book 1 in a few episodes as well. I really appreciate your thoughts and hope you'll continue to share them!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by K.M. Halpern

Thank yu Ken, very detailed reply to my comment yu wrote! I imagined what yu talked about and in fact I'm very eager to read how the World managed and manage those illogic facts... I have to say I preferred only Rin and not around other Proteges and also I preferred her giftd not transferred from the Gods but just her in a absolutely normal World because I love the asimmetric and absourd things so what an exciting thing a lone girl immortal, indestructible and super strong against an entire planet! But even with a plot not exactly as my dream plot yu are quite close to my idea, really close so I support The tale of Rin as much as possible.

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by K.M. Halpern

What I have to say is that until now we just only had the perspective of Rin and her assistant and recently Karkov but absolutely nothing the World... With all those incredibile feats of super powers showed from Rin and the Proteges, what are the reactions of people, Governments?

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